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Answer: To heat cycle before mounting:
Most retailers have access to ovens where they can heat and cool the tires on rollers with pressure or static. You usually have to ask and press them to call their suppliers to get the service.
Just an example, Discount Tire (also American's Tire) offers the service for $20 bucks per tire. But you have to ask and have the local shops call their distribution house and you will get the right answer. After they are cycled, most suppliers put a small red circle stamp about half the size of a dime on the sidewall. Don't underestimate the effect of this. If you can give the tires a week or 10 days after the heat cycle is done you will get the best possible compound you can have on that tire. Gives time for the polymer chains to slowly link up and you end up with the same grip but much tougher tear resistance.
Wayne Rogers in Hideaway, Texas