Originally Posted by NewYorkGuy
no, sir, I do not have buyers remorse for my electric car. It is my daily vehicle to work, for errands, travel, etc.
We are in a car forum discussing adult toys, things we don't really need but want, big ticket fun items ($50K or more).
I see that you own a Kirk. Do you have buyers remorse?
I am simply suggesting to the original poster, Ace, to start at the best of the fakes. He will enjoy the whole cobra experience more (driving, ownership pride, car show respect, etc.)
We're discussing your advice to Ace to buy the best Cobra, otherwise Ace will feel buyer's remorse. We all have budgets, adult toys or just a DD. A Kirkham or Shelby is probably not in Ace's budget nor is a Cammer engine either.
You said you would like to own a Tesla, but instead you own an entry level electric car. That sounds a bit like buyer's remorse to me, whether it's a DD or an adult toy, even though many Tesla owners (sedan or their 2-door sports car) feel their car is an adult toy.
We all would like to have the most expensive and/or best brand of anything we purchase, personal or real property, but we have to live within our means. So, I don't understand your advice to Ace about buying something, anything, he (or she) may not be able to afford. And then stating Ace is not Cobra guy for not buying the best, even though he might not be able to afford it.
By extension, that means the preponderance of Cobra owners are not "Cobra guys", since Kirkham's and Shelby's represent a small fraction of total Cobra production. And I believe they would beg to differ.