Originally Posted by 601HP
Thanks for the kudos!
You've certainly noticed I cut 3/4" dia. holes in each base plate to allow the float adjusters to poke into the air filter space. The bottom of the air filter has to be clearanced a little where they sit on the adjusters.
Those spun bases are the t!ts.
Neatly done. I got around that by flanging (like a bellmouth) the flat pan to the 5 1/8" Holley throats. Raises the plate to just rest on the adjuster nuts. Seals the pan completely to the throats.
My elements are RTV'd to the base and when the tops are unscrewed, just lifting the pan off brings the elements with it-simple.
I made the center studs with aluminum tubing so the tube acts as a stop when tightening the wingnuts on top. Had to play some to get just the right height for tension.