Originally Posted by blykins
Honestly? I think the market is getting saturated. I see more and more Cobras for sale here on Club Cobra.
I would think that going to the London Cobra show pretty much put the nail in the coffin for me. If you're out and about here in Louisville, you may see one or two Cobras per year out on the road, which makes it fun and intriguing. When you go to a Cobra show and see 300 all at once, it kinda takes the fun out of it....for me anyway.
Those 300 Cobras, your guess to how many owners are under 40 yrs old, how many are new builds, and how many are trailer queens(under 5K miles) ?
I dont believe the Cobra replica is too expensive for younger people. I've been to plenty of import/tuner shows and many cars are past $60K. The Import King is the Nissan GTR and that starts at $100K. Young or old, people find the money for the cars they want