Originally Posted by ItBites
Charlie Brown is spelled with an 'ie', not 'ey'. I guess SAAC hasn't ruled on that, so your error is understandable. ;D I also guess that would make you Lucy, pulling the footballl away time after time... Never adressing the REAL argument of how far Charlie could kick the ball. Content to persist with self-serving and self-aggrandising behavior.
As far as respecting others and what they own... I've read your posts for over 10 years and respectful of what others own is demonstrably not within in your paradigm, but still amusing to those who like to stir the pot with you.
Still (and just to stir the pot and since Jamo said I could)... No one other than SAAC members and prospective owners of originals gives a rats patootie about what SAAC says or how they define, categorize, or classify anything.
I most respectfully disagree. The problem is you and many take setting forth fact as self aggrandizing behavior while you elevate your own personal views over existing fact in order to deface in essence what you don't own and also want it both ways.
Case in point. Many here deem their car a "Cobra replica" even though it has nothing if anything in Common with a Cobra and in some cases powered by an engine completely antithetical to the essence and heart of what a Cobra is. A Chevy motor. Heck SAACs correct with that definition since it suits your purpose as some here have clearly pointed out. Right? Do you disagree with SAAC on that one? Likely not. You do have a Cobra replica don't you?
Problem comes in when you see SAAC defines the current production Cobras as genuine Cobras. You just can stomach that one.
Truth and fact is if we are going by Webster's you guys don't even own replicas of a Cobra. They don't even rise to that level. I'm not saying it. It's in the dictionary man!
SAAC gives you more than Websters. You don't want what SAAC is defining your cars as fine. Call them fakeydos, frauds, phonies or something else but they ain't replicas according to the dictionary. The CSX is a true replica per the dictionary.
You want SAAC's standards then we apply them across the board.
If you don't give a $hit about SAAC then stop referring to your cars as Cobra replicas cause they are not. They are Cobra imposters, fakeydos, frauds or whatever equivalent adjective you can find.
You can't have it both ways.
Jamo is correct in that the CSXs are re-issues of the original.
I understand perfectly what I own applying either standard of definition. Problem is that others want to apply a different standard to their car and yet a different standard to the current production/reissued Cobras.
SAAC is the worlds leading authority on all things Cobra. To argue otherwise just makes you look silly and/or ignorant. Many give great weight and confidence in what they say and their positions including thousands of members. I'd be willing to bet many on this site purchased a Registry and/or are SAAC members. If you don't care what SAAC says throw the Registry in the garbage.
If SAAC's definitions were to your liking you would be beating the new Cobras into the dust with it every chance you had.
Sorry about misspelling Charlie Brown I don't read the comics.