Evan, if you can refute the below with "other" factual information, then please do so. No response in 12 hours constitutes your agreement to the stated understandings.
I use to do that a lot at work to keep things moving along
SAAC Registry
CSX Continuation Cobras: Current production Cobras built by Shelby to more less original standards
delivered without engine and transmission.
Until the SAAC defines what motor or transmission must go into a CSX Continuation Cobra, a chevy powered automatic is just as valid as a Ford powered standard in a CSX Continuation Cobra. The only discriminator is that these rollers come from SAI.
Kit Car or Replica: Any Car with
a body which approximates the original Cobra shape, using any kind frame, suspension, brakes or driveline.
Pretty much beat to death, if your body approximates the original Cobra shape you are in this category regardless of frame, suspension, brakes or driveline.
rep·li·ca [rep-li-kuh]
1. a copy or reproduction of a work of art produced by the maker of the original or under his or her supervision.
2. any close or exact copy or reproduction.
Definition 1 defaults to the SAAC definition of CSX Continuation Cobra as it was
produced by the maker of the original or under his or her supervision. You get no relief from the chevy powered automatic, it is still a CSX Continuation Cobra. Definition 2 is of no help to anybody, what constitutes "close"? Without criteria to define "close", we are all left twisting in the wind to spin it anyway we want.
Live by the sword, die by the sword ...