Originally Posted by Ron61
OK Fred,
What is a Jaguarundi and are they native to Texas, or are you just making it up?
Now,would I kid y'all ??
Seriously,I did see this wild cat last Sunday at 4 PM.
I was slowly,2-3 mph,coming down the hill to the north pasture and a water tank.When I was about 30 yards from the tank this animal came out from behind it. As soon as I saw it's whole body broadside I knew I had never seen one ever before. Long tail,as long as the cats body,and real thick.that was what caught my attention right off.
It did a fast walk/slow trot from my left to right heading to a brushy and wooded area with tall native grass.Got a good long look at him and him me.
Did a search online to try and figure out out I had seen.
Also contacted a Wildlife Management company I do business with. These wild cats,Jaguarundi,are seldom seen in Texas. I am on the far northern edge for them. They said a couple of years ago one was caught on camera several miles to my east. Same one ??
He suggested putting a live chicken in a cage with a camera set up near by.
Hey,I'm not past stealing a chicken to feed to a wild cat.
Here's a decent picture of one.