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Play in clutch and brake pedal
ERA 797 is running well, with about 800 miles on it so far. Just ironing out some minor issues. One I just noticed is that the brake and especially clutch pedal become a bit loose on the splined shaft under the floorboard. Consequently, there is about a half inch of play on each that should be eliminated. At first I thought it was just a matter of inadequate tightening (they are held on using a set screw that tightens against the spline, with a nut to hold the set screw tight). I tightened both pedals down pretty hard, but after some driving they loosen up again. Since the position of each is good, one solution might be to drill and tap a new hole for a set screw that would go into the splined shaft, instead of against it. Anyone deal with this issue, and have a good solution?