Originally Posted by Silversmith
I don't know what CSX-3116 has now. However; back in the day when I was cruzing/screamming in it. The center cap was the same as CSX-2058 & CSX-2372 I remember because I made a comment to Stevie that the 68/428 (dont remember that csx#) had the red,white & blue cobra emblem & all the rest had the black & silver AC center cap. So I guess it all depends on what was on the shelf when it came time to slap the wheel on.
Bill, I can tell you that before it left for France a couple of weeks ago, CSX 3116 had the plastic black cap with the red, white, and blue snake head that is most commonly used today. But that could not have been the same center cap as the one on CSX 2058, since it was a worm and sector car and used the old flat wheel with the bakelite raised horn button in its center. What were you imbibing when you were out driving it, anyway? 2372 would have come with the black and silver AC cap, but it may have been changed to the colorful one.