Originally Posted by NewYorkGuy
15% annual returns? lol, my dad knows a guy who promised 15-20%. His name is Bernie Madoff. This forum is awesome. I'm learning a lot about cars & watches.
I will stick to flipping sneakers. I missed out on the Nike Air Yeezy Red October. Damn. Sellers on ebay are asking $15,000 for a pair $245 retail. That is one heck of a return and u don't have to wait a year.
You obviously don't like to do any research before making comments, statements or asking questions.
As an example, just to pick one mutual fund, Fidelity Select Chemicals Portfolio (FSCHX). 10-year return, including the recent Great Recession, earned 15.6% annualized. Not that hard to find, if you do your research. Like maybe buying a SAAC World Registry for $245.
Bernie Madoff? You have to stop reading the Enquirer and think about picking up a WSJ.
I love my all my shoes too, but I wear them out and replace them often. But you keep collecting shoes. Maybe you can save up some $$$ and buy a SAAC World Registry.
I do want to say I'm sorry that your dad lost money with Mr. Madoff.