Originally Posted by REAL 1
Ditto. More should appreciate those that serve.
A few more administrations like the present and continuing unchecked waves of illegals (growing block of "Obama" supporters/big govrnment benefit takers.."our future" according to Valerie Jared and the Obomination) and we'll have that censorship. Coming soon unless we wise up.
There is a reason no politics rule, however I would suggest to an intelligent individual like yourself to use proper channels for your issues. It's on the record that Allan Houston and I separately had campaign raising dinners in support of now President Obama. I did that mainly in support of my wife who was black and my children. Not that I think the other guy is any better. lol
I say bring back President Clinton and a few hundred million could be made per quarter.
Originally Posted by NewYorkGuy
okay, I will type less, read more, and never mention my job interview to work on the Obamacare website.
He didn't actually tell you to do that. At least you showed some balls in what you believed in and spoke up. Just as I did too. I've had several cars in the past that others seem to copy or word gets out on. Names like Quick-Silver, Lightening-n-Bottle(ran on alcohol) and a few others. A few piles of rust may just remain so but two are on my mind at times. A Frankenstein or Resurrection Cobra(from actual totaled original cobras) and another build which is a Mercedes W31 type G4.
You don't need a registry for that one..basically a three axle off road German staff car. Was cleaned up and used for parades in the 50's but in mothballs since before I was born.
I had the name Nite-Mare in my mind for this one if my guys ever get to it. Maybe a good name for a Rode Warrior Cobra build you have in mind. lol
This vehicle came with a Mercedes 540k Special that was always my grandmothers favorite. So he didn't really seek out this car it just came with the Special.
Well I'm off on my US National Park odyssey tour with the children. I'll check up if time allows. I'm just in a Miyamoto Musashi warrior mode lately back on a 20 hour day because I'm restless. So I really don't suffer fools at this point much. If these guys keep giving you crap let me know. Rather immature since you brings new concepts and blood to the table.
And I know what you stated to dominic...mentor and all...not my intention.
Sneakers now that is actually funny! Along with MrMustangs Wayne manor comment.
Actually great great-grandpapa's name was Converse.
I was thinking of running a contest but seems to be so many sour puss members they would probably complain about that.