Thought I might bump this.
Seems to be a fair bit of banter up this way about a few newbies coming down from the Sunshine State this year as well as the regulars. There's always talk aorund this time but it will be great to see if some new faces come along.
The regulars have a new car or 2 to show, a few registered AP cars coming hopefully too which will be great to see. Towmasters got a small block aeration issue on the V8 Supercar (Bloody Chevs!) but having seen it go I can't wait to see it run around WP again under new power. Don't mention the "D" word.
The BDM guys have built a new car, space frame, big wing, sequential etc and its quick. Plus the other BDM car now has 2 Turbos sticking out the bonnet.
Wazza has sold the red rocket to a much younger Chunky Hancock. It will be interesting to see if YOUTH makes it go faster!
I hope the weather warms from what you southerners have been experiencing the last few days. Up here it's....well same as always blue sky, warm, perfect!
I hope we get a good number participating and as usual its always great to catch up with old friends you don't get to see very often.