Originally Posted by genolan
I used the zip tie and it showed a 45 deg rotation. I was under full throttle in third gear at about 3800 rpm. Is this in line with expectation? Under what condition should I see a full 100+ deg rotation. I had no bog and currently am running the long yellow secondary spring. I could only punch it for a few seconds since the road was short.
No, that doesn't sound like they're opening fully. Here's how you tell. With the engine cool, use some string to tie your throttle back as if you were flooring the accelerator pedal. Then, push the zip tie's tail over so it's touching the throttle screw or whatever else is over there to stop it. Next, put your finger over on the bottom of the vacuum secondary plunger rod and push it gently all the way up in to the secondary housing, thus opening your secondaries fully. Take your finger off the rod and the secondaries close. View the position of the zip tie tail -- that is what fully opened secondaries look like. Now remove the string.