If you use Jegs Auto Parts and enter the part numbers you stated you can go to more information and click on specs and it will give you the sizes. The one closest to what you are looking for is the #E-1050;
#E-1050 is 9 inches OD by 7 inches ID and 2 inches high.
#E-2630 is 9 inches OD by 7.125 ID and 2 inches high
#E-2640 is 9 inches OD by 7.12 ID and 2.25 inches high
I'm using a E-2720 which is 9 inches OD by 7.5 ID and 2.5 inches high with the 9 inch E-Stream top and Bernica's flat base. It's sitting on a Quickfuel Drag 850 Double Pumper Carb.