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Old 07-24-2014, 08:23 PM
deano59 deano59 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jaydee View Post
I still prefer to run into a snake in the bush, then a grizzly or mountain lion. I can outrun a snake.
years ago when I owned a towing business I got called to pick up a car that had broken down miles out in the bush on a dirt road .the owners had long gone after getting a lift home with friends . I backed the tow truck to the car and slid the ramps down I crawled underneath the car too hook the cable up to winch it back onto the truck and come face to face with the biggest brown snake I had ever seen resting under the car.
this left me with a couple of problems like how to steer the car up and guide it up the ramps I ended up laying on the bonnet with my arm thru the drivers window steering it up and the other hand on the winch control lol.
once the car was on the truck that left the snake by the ramps that I needed to put back on the truck . I thru old nuts and bolts that I found in the truck tool box at it trying to scare it away but it wouldn't budge . after about 20 mins this old fella on a motor bike pulled up and said whats the problem and I pointed to the snake he just went up and grabbed it by the tail and heaved it off the side of the road and then slid my ramps up the truck for me . I offered him a carton of beer for his help but he reckons he will get enough laughs at the local pub that night telling how he saved the city slicker lol.
when I delivered the car I charged them a extra 50 bucks for danger money and a new pair of undies lol true story
cheers dean
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