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Old 07-29-2014, 03:37 AM
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Default What camshaft is in the motor??

crenbbf Cren Stay away from bronze. This is for billet camshafts and racing. They have a short life in a motor. Without and info on the camshaft, iron gear or ploymer gear would be the choice. I don't know if you have any oil modification to the block. Also what setup to hold the camshaft in place? Torrington bearing or steel plate. What is the end play of the camshaft? I run .003" to .005". This is race spec. Max is maybe .010" play. The movement on the camshaft sliding in the bore also put a heavy load on the distributor gear. Oil pump is being turned by bottom of distributor also. Made sure you have a ARP or harden shaft for the oil pump. There is an oil galley behind most distributor opening, some guys drill a .015" hole to help oil this location of the 2 gears. Other wise the gears depend on splash or drain from the rest of the motor. It's not manditory but doesn't hurt either.
If you can find out what the maker of the camshaft is, they have the correct gear for that camshaft to pervent wear out. The only plus I can say about running a bronze gear is I have seen no major damage to a motor where the gear was shaved. Most partials went into the oil filter and the small amount that got pass it where bonded into the rod bearings. These gears will last about 5-7 K miles. Some alot less. Good luck Rick
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