Originally Posted by mrmustang
Not so outdated when I last spoke to Mr Barris (circa 2009), but you can read into whatever you can find on the web to try and make yourself sleep at night.
As for the Pink Shelby, last heard, it was now painted grey and was seen in Mexico. But again, feel free to show how smart you are and see if you can find something to counter that one on the web.
Troll on my friend, troll on.
Bill S.
Well the information was verified by a major network. And it was old information you posted even if updated by Barris yesterday. That's what he did way back when. You fail miserably to follow the current stream. As far as the pink Mustang if you do know I will relay that info because I do not know the information and was asked about it this past year. See I told you that you know more than you are willing to admit. All you need to do is conduct yourself professionally. Enough of the wise ass cracks and stalking. You are the one bringing things into the negative with your remarks. Someone gives an idea of a giveaway and you call me a troll. Please save yourself some time and stop with the stalking. Yes that is what it is following me around and calling me a troll. As pointed out obviously protected by a moderator that is unbalanced in his actions.
And if the owner is too busy on other sites than sell this site to someone that will nourish it and provide professional moderation.
When members have been on a site so very long and have gotten away with a lot of crap they are led to believe they have some power to practice unwanted behaviors here. And since so much went unchecked for so long... longtime members do not believe that they do any wrong when they in fact act hostile and troll-like.
Barris may not know what happened to the parts once they were in the hands of the two gentlemen mentioned. And are you speaking of the same man that took credit for another mans work on more than one occasion. (Jeffries) I lived in southern California for many many years and know most of the old timers.
And MrMustang I have read my posts have you read your own? I don't believe I was the instigator in any post
unlike some of yours and select members here. Why would you use regurgitated and terms like that when a member posts a duplicate thread.
Do as you like you have gotten away with the behavior for so long might as well keep remain in the negative. I hope you don't own a business here?
Funny how in that CSX 1000 thread you seem to repeat I'm not arguing, but in fact you continued to argue. You posted old intel and you can not admit it. And unlike you I provided the news link and documented evidence of ownership on the investigation of the chain of ownership of parts. Your fancy talk save it for others, all you did was a side step.