Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
That is the funniest thing I've seen today. I'd further suggest if it were a true Lucas it would light up when the door is closed. But not entirely. Just dim
Sorry to lower the s:n ratio on this topic (it's been pretty good so far) but I couldn't resist
To bring it back on topic.. but while we are speaking of Lucas. One of the things that failed on my cobra was the fuel pump toggle switch. I was driving along and all of a sudden no go. Got off to the side of the road and played around d saw it for fuel pressure every once in a while. Found toggle switch had a dead spot. Jammed a toothpick to fix it and got home. Pulled the swithc. Lucas. No surprise. Tony at Shelby sent me another one. Lucas too
Many/most of the "Lucas" switches are actually Chinese copies. The genuine Lucas switches are generally pretty good and have a much nicer feel to their action.