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Old 08-05-2014, 02:37 PM
CobraDude66 CobraDude66 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Oceanside, CA
Cobra Make, Engine: Classic Roadster 1991. 351W
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Here is an update on the registration process.....

Tried to make an appt with the DAR to see a smog referee, but was told I needed to see the CHP for a VIN verification. Called the CHP and made an appt for Oct 1st (first available appt). Was told I needed a REG 124 form from DMV first. I went online and looked at the form and it didn't seem right as its a form for an engine change verification. Called CHP back and actually talked to an officer who said, dont need to see us as the car has a Ca VIN number and was "blue chipped" by the CHP years ago. Called the DAR back to make an appointment to see the smog referree and they said ok, but do I have a "certificate of sequence" certificate? I said no, I do however have a "500 series" number that was issued by Sacramento last week when I spent 5.5 hrs at the DMV. They said I had to have an official copy of the certificate to meet the smog referee. Back on the phone with the DMV (after 2hrs and 3 people later) I finally spoke with a person in the "special processing unit" who assured me the certificate will arrive within 2-3 weeks. Its been almost 2 weeks so lets see if I get something in the next week or so.

In the mean time, I took the car out last weekend to air up the tires (it has only been run once a month for the past 7 years) so they were extremely low (like only had 5lbs of air each). Once the tires were good to go I jumped in for a quick drive before heading home and unfortunately flooded the engine and eventually had to have a jump start. Finally got on the road and got a ton of thumbs up and one guy in a Porsche said it is the most beautiful car he has ever seen! The car runs very rich and is temper mental until it warms up, which is to be expected after hardly getting any use for 7 years, so I know it needs to have a thorough mechanical shakedown. On the way home it stalled at a light and of course I only got 2 turnovers before the battery was done. So I ended up having it towed to a mechanic (love AAA) who will completely go over the car and give me updates as he goes through all the systems etc... This is actually good timing as I had a procedure done last week on a tear of my rt achilles tendon so I cant drive for at least a couple of weeks anyway. If the Cobra was in my me I would find ways of storing my crutches and driving it with a boot on my rt leg!!! Its much safer at the mechanics for now :-)

Will provide updates soon....
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