MaSnaka John your playing, I gone a secret.

The easiest thing to do for your car is the change the rear end carrier. A 9" rear can have the center swapped in 35 minutes with basic tools. #.70 is great for racing 1/4 mile or auto cross of using 1or 2 gears only. We don't have the first gear ratio of the trans. Guessing in the 2.40-2.60's. Final is 1-1. If you have to cruise this car, you can find a rebuilt 9" for about $1,000.00 with gears. need a gasket or RTV and fluid. Basic work is you and free. If your motor is a torque monster and low end power, a 3.00 will give you the long legs to cruise. If you are looking for a happy middle, 3.25 would be ideal. Keep the trans you have, skip the modifications to the car. Enjoy.

Cost saved about $2,000.00. Down the road if you want to get more power, then look at changing the trans.
Others here have the correct info on TKO. I beleive that their info said the trans is 600 pound torque rated. That's not 600 under full load or abuse. This is way I said to look at richmond. I have heard that these trannies are being built in China

I still like the design and support of the shafts over a tko. I have an early version of the Richmond 6spd when they came out in 95. Great trans. It also has a couple of problems. gearing of a 3.25 first is a waste with 3.31 rearend. First shift within 30' Used 2nd gears to startup all the time. Overdrive is .87 used it and my motor would lug at 70 mph. This was 438 ft of torque at the wheels. Heat, when racing the shifting would get tight. My tunnel is fire proofed and air getting to the back of the car is none through the tunnel. Problem was fixed with adding a 4" bilge fan and pulling air from r/f foot duct. No shifting when hot. Know your limits, this trans has only a 450/450 torque and HP rating. It will bind if powershifted. This is why I went to a G-Force for racing. Only thing I didn't get was a 2.80 first gear and stayed with 3.05. With a 3.07 or 2.88 gearing, this trans will be perfect for all a round. I am still getting a super street for my 498 motor. This is all trial and failures over the last 15 years. Clutch, You might want to look at a Street twin from Mcleod. You will never need another one. Great holding, takes a ton of abuse, Soft pedal with just enough feel for engagment. Bylkins sold it to me. best money I spent. It's worth the up grade. This twim makes no noise when driving either. Some do. Good luck. Rick L. Ps the money you justsaved on not doing the trans will give you enough for this clutch setup and a cruise.