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Heres one for you from long years of open cockpit race car experience. When people walk up to look at your car, the first thing they will alway do is move to look into the drivers area, every time. Then they do the walk around second. And that leaning over the door area gets them burned on a hot Cobra, almost guaranteed. Doesn't matter if it's a Bug Eye, Indy Car or Cobra, if it's an open cockpit, they will go right to the drivers area to look inside.
I do know side pipe covers help and lower the chances, but not completely. Backdrafts come with side pipe covers and although not particularly attractive in my opinion (I have one), they do work for the accidental brush by. Even after a long drive, you can put your hand on the side pipe cover after a minute or two. BUT not the 4 pipes!!
And, never park and quickly open the hood for display. That's guaranteed to get someone burned on the 4 pipes as they get close and bend over to look in the engine bay. I have even done that opening the hood at a gas station myself and I should know better. Bet I'm not the only one......
Wayne Rogers in Hideaway, Texas