Thread: TKO Upgrade
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Old 08-14-2014, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by blykins View Post

I appreciate all your input that you provide on Club Cobra and I usually take time to read your posts and digest your information.

However, in this one instance, I'm going to have to strongly disagree with the information you have provided.


The one failure from 8 years ago, that you have talked about and showed pictures of, seems to have been an isolated case. I just don't agree with making a blanket statement that says that all TKO's are timebombs, or that each prospective buyer needs to sit down and let this weigh heavily on their mind.

In my own mind, it's a non-issue.

I think we are actually closer together in our positions than you might suspect Brent.

My summary comments about the transmission were:

Originally Posted by eschaider View Post
If that is true (and that's a big if) it means 600 ft/lbs of torque and more represent a potential component failure threshold in third gear, again if everything is hooked up and really transmitting that much torque. How often can you do it with the misaligned gears? I don't believe there is any test data to give insight to that elusive number. However, we do know it happens and we do know those gears are misaligned 0.140" (if you believe Tremec).

I went on to say;

Originally Posted by eschaider View Post
Does this mean we should all forsake our TKO600's, probably not. Is it appropriate to make the knowledge available to someone who is contemplating the purchase of a new Tremec transmission? I think so. I know I would have liked to have had the knowledge before spending my monies and I think others might also. Will it or should it change everyone's mind? I doubt it and I don't think so but it will make some reconsider what they are about to buy and potentially allow them to make a better decision — for themselves.

I suspect what may have wrankled your (and possibly others) sensibilities was the clarity of the failure description and the publication of the Tremec design miscue in terms of gear tooth face alignment. I can well appreciate how the sudden awareness of a design flaw of that type in anyone's transmission can cause anxieties that did not previously exist — after all I own one also. It is however, none the less important and our obligation to be as informed and knowledgeable as reasonably possible so we can best decide for ourselves. I believe I also spoke to that in my closing paragraph where I said;

Originally Posted by eschaider View Post
Does this mean we should all forsake our TKO600's, probably not. Is it appropriate to make the knowledge available to someone who is contemplating the purchase of a new Tremec transmission? I think so. I know I would have liked to have had the knowledge before spending my monies and I think others might also. Will it or should it change everyone's mind? I doubt it and I don't think so but it will make some reconsider what they are about to buy and potentially allow them to make a better decision — for themselves.

I think it is better for a potential purchaser of these types of components to have as much information as possible, both good and bad, prior to making a purchase decision about these or for that matter any other high value component in the car. When we use that information in our own decision/selection processes we will not all come up with the same choices but, we will come up with choices we think are best — for our own builds. Which when you think about it, is what the world's largest non-biased cobra site is supposed to be about and among other things foster? [Although in as much as we all own Cobra's we might have just a smidgen of bias ...)

In fact in my closing few sentences I suggest;

Originally Posted by eschaider View Post
In the final analysis if you are going to spend $2,400+ on a transmission why not buy the most robust unit with the highest torque rating and the best shifting qualities that will fit into your car for the dollars that you are about to spend?

I chose to ambiguously identify that transmission because it could have been a variety of the Tremec offerings, a Richmond, a Top Loader, a G-Force or one of a number of other transmission alternatives. It is after all what the builder determined to be best for his purposes and his build given the information available to him at the time of selection/purchase.

In the end I don't think we are actually all that far apart. BTW I genuinely do enjoy and appreciate your perspective, input and insightful commentary on the site here.


Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.
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