Not Ranked
These events are completely uncontrolled. The listed events and times are just suggestions. Get together with who ever you want. There are no mandatory functions or routes. This is my 5th Snakes and we do at least 3 long weekend runs a year and sometimes more. BACC is a motivated group of mostly couples (singles OK too) that are social and a blast to be with.
In Mike's link above he says................" We try to keep things laid back and not have too much structure to the weekend. Folks are basically free to get together with
others in the group once we arrive in South Lake Tahoe to take in what the region has to offer. That said we do have a few options
planned for the weekend. A drive map along with info on local/regional things to do along with some dining guides should help
you with your planning for the weekend.
Social Hours:
Once again we will have a no host wine/cocktail gathering at the hotel on Friday afternoon/evening.This year we will be
changing up the format slightly, instead of the usual hor'dourves and appetisers we will be serving gourmet pizza and
beer. ( included in the event registration).
Sat. BACC Margarita , Tequila and Wine Social
If you are planing on attending the social hour, Please bring a bottle (or 2) of wine or the BACC favorite "ready to serve"
Jose Cuervo Gold Margarita, and/or Tequila to share and/or sodas for those that do not drink alcohol. ( there should be
time once we arrive to hit the grocery store should you not have room in your car.
No formal dinner is planned for either night. Considering Friday's plans which will most likely only leave room for a late
night Ice cream from the Cold Stone just up the street, Sat. will be the only night you should require dinner plans. As
usual if you are making reservations please make room for 6-8 and invite others. Suggest not making reservations before
South Lake Tahoe Restaurants."
I miss my Tazer
Last edited by wanab5150; 08-18-2014 at 09:04 PM..