Richard & guys all good advice.
We have pressure taps on the pump pressure after pump and end of line, post pump also connected to a warning light if there is a drive belt issue.
Have since got rid of the
oil cooler thermostat.
Don't have an
oil flow map or coolant map, I guess I have done my designing from engine builders recommendations and information from the net, and what I know has worked in the past. The will be a bit of trial and hopefully not too much error.
Cooling, my engine/system is similar to John Marseys so John kindly has given me his cooling plan. With aluminium engine using a large 2 x 1.25" row custom radiator, hoping that size will keep it cool.
Another issue some guys have had with Fuel hose is permeation using unleaded pump gas, there is E30 and E85 the 98 pump gas has no ethanol but uses these aromatics etc, I am curious to know if you guys have gone to teflon lined hose for the fuel system.
Originally Posted by Richard Hudgins
Dailey should put a pressure tap on the pump at each stage. Scavenge stages as well.
We always put them in the pumps after we got them from whatever vendor.
We used each tap on the dyno and once telemetry got going we ran them all the time. Great help in monitoring the life state of the engine and gave real time warning in case of a problem.
Of course we used pressure taps at the back end of plumbing runs, and multiple engine galley taps as well.
As far as the fittings question Ant, We always tried to limit items that produced a big pressure drop on the scavenge side. (like 90's or thermostats)
We did run oil coolers on the scavenge side on FA cars (Cos BDD engine) as we had so much trouble with coolers starting to fail at the fins. It often allowed us to finish a race as the pressure was so low that the leak was limited and we had enough in the tank to make it.
The pressure side is not so critical.
Have you been given a oil-flow map for your engine? Helps to know so you can calculate the flow requirements.
How about a coolant map? Used to really piss me off when the engine builders would not provide these as it made the radiator sizing, plumbing and air flow impossible to design.