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The aluminium bodies require a specialist to work with them, especially if you want a full polished finish.
The work required is extensive, especially the way Kirkham's are finished. That is why Kirkham charge what they do to finish a body.
It requires a specialist to be able to panel beat the body straight, to be able to take out all scratches etc while leaving the maximum amount of material left. The real danger is thin spots.
The polished finish will show up any and all blemishes.
In our experience you will need someone that can do small weld repairs as well if you want a finish of high quality.
Then you have the added complexity of polishing it, through trial and error we came up with the system we have now. You will need specialist tools even for polishing process. The polishers and polishing supply people we contacted could not get a desirable result, so we worked out our own approach.
The more raw the finish, the more it hides the imperfections, so brushed body is easier. Although we do the same level of work for both, so you can swap between them.
We trained our own guys to do aluminium body work.
To me the main attraction of an aluminium body is to leave it unpainted.