Originally Posted by Rebel1
David, thanks for the on topic intelligent response.
I don't see it as a huge issue. Especially when there is discussion regarding the lack of entries (cars).
If they( the organisers) allow a single car to have two drivers and each driver pays a nomination fee and competes in a different event simply by changing wheels/tyres (ie does not hold up proceedings) then it would increase the monetary receipts for the event.
I recall the Victoria Club allowing for wives to drive the same car as the husband at the Shelby Fests.
My posted question is really only a variation of the above concept.
Les, its more so probably just hard for the organisers to keep track of who's who in the zoo. The what, where, whens. The event volunteers do a great job in often trying conditions so simplicity is key in helping them to some degree.
With that in mind a dual entered car in the same class would mean that both drivers can compete apples v apples against each other as well as the others in that class and overall which is a bit of added healthy competition. They could even swap who goes out first in alternating events so each shares the cold car cold tyres scenario.
With events closing today a BIG THUMBS up again to the organisers MarkH Phil, Neil and the rest of The NSW Nats Committee. Looking forward to a friendly safe dry fun couple of days...with a plastic trophy thrown in for the lucky few.