Don't have many pictures from the car show but here is one with the beautiful thunderstorm clouds in the background
Most of us abandoned the show early with reports hail on the way.
I took the car and had to go back to find one of my chairs that I left. And when I did, I found out the Corvette club was making fun of us for leaving early
Fred (392 Cobra) brought his new LS427 (quite nice) and braved the storm to be the 1st place winner! Congrats, Fred.
I also have two trophies the show coordinators gave me to distribute at our descretion becvause they could not finish the judging before the rain.
One, for Matt Tice (427Aggie) , who won for "Best Texas Tech Red Raider Car" (well, they didn't exactly write that on the plaque) . Congrats Mathew!
and the second trophy is up for grabs between Dave and Rich. Both of you have beautiful cars so I can 't decide. SO if you want the trophy, call me and you can have it. (first one to call, wins the trophy)
James 214-505-1130