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I always wondered if you look inside the roof on the driver's side, can you see where it was repaired after they cut the hole in it at Sebring in 1964? I remember being a little kid and watching coverage of that race with my dad on Wide World of Sports. I remember they were complaining about the heat in the car and lack of ventilation, so the mechanics in the pits stabbed a tinsnip through the roof and cut a semi-circular hole and peeled it up for a vent. When I think about watchig that race, I remember that car being red. I know now it was blue and the funny thing is we had a black & white TV, so I wouldn't have been able to see what color it was anyway.
Check it out. Skip ahead to 4:15 for the action.
[ame=]1964 12hrs of Sebring - Winners Dave MacDonald & Bob Holbert in Cobra Daytona Coupe CSX2287 - YouTube[/ame]