It's funny...I ordered my Cobra 2 years ago and received it late last December. It has sat idle in my factory collecting dust for the past near-on 10 months while I worked my ass off to earn money to buy parts. Now that I've started the build, all I want to do is get to my factory to 'do something, do anything' on the car! Can't stop thinking about it. Alas, family commitments do get in the way!
At least I can go in a few hours early each morning, and spend my lunch break on her as well. It may be my famous last words, but I don't see the Pace 427SC as taking all that long to build (especially that mine is at a roller stage).
That's my problem too, prioritising work V's building my toys....
I live and work from home, my shed has the hoist with my latest build on it surrounded by all the work machinery. Every time I head into the shed it's the same decision.....work or toy, work or toy
BTW great thread as well!!