Originally Posted by kayakjack
To my knowledge, the only manufacturers selling brushed aluminum are Kirkham and Shelby. I think Shelby's aluminum bodies are sourced from Kirkham. Not sure about that. Not sure they are the only sellers either. Someone with better knowledge will chime in.
That interior does not look like a Kirkham or Shelby.
There are other manufacturers that make aluminum bodies. There are also hobbyists that have made aluminum bodies from scratch.
In terms of manufacturers that have made aluminum bodied cobras, I can think of a few:
- AC (under the original owners, under Brain Angliss, under Alan Lubinsky)
- Brooklands
New Build AC 427
- North Devon Metal Craft
North Devon Metalcraft | Manufacturers of replacement steel and aluminium motor bodies
- Panel Craft
Panel Craft LLC - Restoration of Classic Automobiles by Hand - Custom rolled Sheet Metal -- Bethlehem, NH
- Kimmons (which might be the company that did the body for Jay Leno's cobra replica??)
- McCluskey
However, based on the not quite authentic interior of your car (dash, transmission tunnel, etc.), I don't think you have any of the above.
I recall that there was a company in Europe (maybe Switzerland??) that was building aluminum bodied Cobra Daytona coupes. Maybe they had something to do with your car.