Originally Posted by mongrel
23rd September 2014
Hi Mark
As per conversation of the 20th September re the above applications, the Cobra Car ClubCommittee reserves the right to deny or accept applications and in this instance the Committee has decided to deny your application.
The decision relates both to membership and your Entry to the Nationals'
In the Supplementary regulations of the Cobra National it reads;
The event will be open to all financial members of any Cobra Car Club in Australia and any persons' at the promoters invitation. The organisers reserve the right to limit entries and have the right to refuse any entry. As discussed your cheque will be returned.
This decision by the committee is final and not for reconsideration.
Mark Hudson
President Cobra Car Club.
This is my Story ,
Why wouldn't you just join the Qld club?
I am sure that they would love such a selfless member within their ranks.