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Old 10-08-2014, 04:54 AM
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He came last year....wouldn't have thought he was keen this would have taken him a week to pack all of the excuses why he wasn't the quickest.

Wasn't the quickest, and couldn't handle it.....
Wouldn't have been the quickest this year it matters !!?

Not wanted...not missed.

The volunteers didn't cop a load of abuse this year because some "entitled" twit thought he was going to be the quickest car in the land...and then wasn't.

His head nearly he spent the whole weekend abusing volunteers, and complaining to EVERYONE about how this Nationals thing should be run.

Seemed to miss the point completely that it WASN'T and ISN'T a bloody RACE MEETING...


It's where old friends do their "once a year" catch up, where friends enjoy each other's company, and have a few beers and laughs, and really just enjoy being there.

It's NOT BATHURST !! if you're interest is SOLELY about kicking everyone's ar*e...and will abuse and bully everyone within earshot, because you NEED to win at all costs....then you're at the wrong bloody meeting.

Why the F*** would anyone with no other interest but to WIN the SPRINTS want to attend??

It's like someone taking a Pit Bull to a dog prove to everyone that his dog will kill all the others at the show in a fight !!

Maybe next year...

but it would take a MAJOR attitude change..and a few apologies....

So I don't expect that will ever happen.

I wish we would all spend more time thinking about how we can make it a better event, and put things in place months in advance, that will make it a financial success.

We had a debrief ( Pi$$up), at our Monday night stop on the way back at Bellingen, and came up with some excellent ideas in about an hour of discussion.

I'll wait until the dust settles, and give the poor buggers in the N.S.W. club a few weeks to get over it all, and then I'll be asking my members to throw us as many ideas as possible, and see if we can get the numbers back up for next year.
The N.S.W. club copped a fair finacial bashing this year, and it would be nice for them to end up in front for a change.

Enough of this other crap for a start.

Many thanks for a fantastic Nationals, from all of the Canetoads...we all had a fantastic time....Not ONE complaint!!

Warren Boylan,
Club President,
Cobra Car Club of Queensland Inc.
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