Originally Posted by Boon
Then why the hell are you complaining so much. Are you trying to discourage future car owners or something. Damn. I'm not worried about maintain a vehicle. If I can maintain a Vietnam era helicopter than a Cobra shouldn't be a problem. I guess some people may think that they can build something and its gonna be perfect from then on. They may not appreciate the journey just focusing on the ride.
He's not complaining - he's being objective. Not many guys on here that are more enthusiastic about their Cobra than Patrick. Plus - even in my few years here I've seen a fair number of guys come in and are all gung ho to learn about Cobra's and can't wait to get their hands on one - for about 2 weeks - and then they dissappear after getting a dose of realism and seeing the price tag and the personal dedication involved in owning one. Most people are far better off putting their money in a new Corvette than building a big block Cobra. There is a lot of maintenance and up-keep on the cars and some of it can be frustrating.
for my excuses - yes, a lot of my enjoyment is in the build and working on the car and actual driving probably second. One other factor not mentioned yet is driving these cars in today's traffic. I live in a moderately congested area and that limits when I get the car out. It seems the biggest cause of someone being injured in one of these (or dying) - is from being stupid with the accelerator. I'm kind of old and not as stupid as I once was - but right behind that is the fear of being run over by a housewife in her Suburban while talking about lunch with the ladies on her cell phone.
If you want one - study up on them so you can buy one right. Then if it's as great as you think, just keep on trucking and enjoy the car. If not then they are fairly easy to re-sell and if bought right you shouldn't be out much.