Suppose, Plausible, carelessness, percentage, accident, carelessness & the excuses and the unknown go on and on ?
Here's one for you: Thousands of deaths, hundreds of Dr's. and care takers included.
1st patient in the U.S. being treated for Ebola (who by the way just passed away).
BUT, I suppose since WE see so many of these "QUARANTINED" patients, who has been put
OFF LIMITS for everyone but a very few.....
For those that think it is carelessness on the aid worker, Dr., nurse
(The Hazmat suits are being anti-aseptically sprayed like being in a shower BEFORE they are removed!!)
Plausible!? This is where I say in MY opinion BS.
Plausible? " We " are going to find out sooner or later.
I just want the truth. Who cares that a long time Dr. donned a Hazmat suit weeks ago and was protesting publicly in the Atlanta (?) airport about "our" handling of Ebola cases?