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Per your post she had multiple contacts with the deceased. Per your post she failed to follow protocol. Per CNN, FOX & CBS national radio they all agree with you.
But - NOW of the ten minutes after your posting about protocol, all three news outlets reported she broke protocol. Within that ten minutes, the Hospitals official spokesman went public stating that they DO NOT know how she, (the Nurse) was infected, only that she had broken protocol. They Are still trying to find out what procedure she broke. ??
Sorry, I don't see any answers yet.
PS. They, (National News) has shown the full Hazmet suit and the process of spraying the suit before it is removed.
As I implied earlier?? Is this a Debate? You win sir! I'm not debating anything but asking for real, knowledgeable information. When the official statesman for the hospital (your link above, which I also posted earlier), says he doesn't know what part of protocol was broken but she (the Nurse) had to break it, she now has Ebola. As soon as they figure out what part of Protocol was broken they will let "us" know!
NOT my words. The hospitals. ???