Originally Posted by Tommy
I'm not trying to be the Thread Police, but I find it interesting that the OP originally asked why so many Cobra replicas go up for sale with low miles, and most of the answers have been from members who drive them a lot. Perhaps if he had asked what made some guys drive them year after year, he would mostly gotten replies from NewYorkGuy and that woman who crashes her Cobra in the infamous video.
The problem is that once those guys find out a Cobra was not for them, they then sell it and drop off this forum. It would be nice if we had a forum entitled
"Talk to Me Before You Buy A Cobra" and had it populated with all the guys that dumped their cars within a year or 2000 miles of getting them. So, as a service to people like Boone, I try and bad-mouth Cobras as much as possible. If I can manage to steer him away from the Cobra hobby, then the Cobra hobby was never right for him anyway. And one day he'll thank me.