To add to the FIA dash collection … here are photos of ERA2136 and for originality reference, CSX2323.
For my ERA, Peter and crew reduced the height of the dash by about 1". This raised up the bottom edge, making it easier for me to fit. For those that are tall, this is a great dash setup. In order to accomplish this, the gauge to the left of the tach had to moved to the right side, hence the five gauges in a row.
The dash is painted flat black and is fairly durable, but my dash now has a few scratches in it which I suppose adds to the 'patina'. Having the dash powder coated would protect it better from scratches if that is a concern.
ERA2136 - Custom Dash
ERA2136 - Flat Black Paint
My favorite FIA is the Gurney / Grant car CSX2323, a fabulous example with plenty of historic 'patina' ...