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Old 11-08-2014, 01:30 PM
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Keep in mind if you are changing to a rear disc set up you will need to change the MC with the larger rear brake reservoir. So if you plan to do the rear brake upgrade later it will pay to plan ahead if replacing your MC first.

Ohio Ken,
Originally my car had the 9" Pinto brakes, no booster. The original pedal ratio was meant to be used with a booster. The longer brake pedal in my gallery photo is the one meant to be used with the booster. The existing pedal box has the holes drilled to use a different pivot point, but I had to modify my pedal to fit. Keeping the MC piston rod in the same location I shortened the pedal arm and relocated the pivot point which gives much more foot leverage to the pedal when applying the brakes. Cost about $20. With no booster added this change alone made a world of difference. Upgrading the fronts to the 11" Wilwoods made another huge difference. I just didn't notice such a difference with the rear brake upgrade. Right now the car stops righteously. I have no plans to make further upgrades. BTW- I am using DOT3 with a 15/16" MC. To quote someone else I saw on the forum "the better I can stop, the faster I'm willing to go". True that.

Also if working on your pedal box area, hint: take off your steering wheel. Makes accessing the narrow space a lot easier.

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