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Dear Mr Turk.
Whilst I value your kind offer to become a European Distributor for the "Road Serpent" vehicles you despatch in pieces, I must regretfully decline.
Having discussed this with my business advisor, the Duke Of Leicestershire, we are of the opinion that the fine roads of Olde Englande should remain unsullied by such examples of poor taste as the "R-S".
We have a fine tradition of engineering excellence and breakdown services to uphold. Indeed, when I spoke with the chief design engineer at the Reliant factory, St John Colnes-Twickenham, he told me that he intends to introduce a far more effective means of lighting one's way in the dark to the Reliant, in the form of acetylene lamps. This is in a valiant effort to reduce warranty costs produced by the current supplier of electrified lamps, Joseph Licka$$ Ltd. We do know the Price of Darkness here.
We value fine lines and heritage above all else, certainly above such mundane issues as practicality and reliability, here in Olde Englande. We could not reconcile these values with the excresence you call a "Road Serpent", unless of course we could remarket it as a BMW?
Sir - I remain, etc.