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Mr. Backwards Black
Specification have been UNLISTED for sometime now. SInce our component suppliers will often switch everythng from brake pads to coolant (dextron to recycled) and all the variations in different rear ends we pick up at trade shows (swap meets) we have decided NOT to list any of the specifications in any of our literature.
We have gone to the English way of doing things.We are simply listing EXPECTATIONS. This way whatever you think it is, it just might very well be.
Keeps it simple. You are either happy or dissapointed. After all it was YOUR expectations, not our specifications you did NOT get.
Keeps the legal team here less busy, and allows them to spend more of their time on doing what they were hired to do at the first place. Suing the landlord at the trailer park we have lived almost two months now. They want us gone! We'll cost them over $200 before we move out and show them what we are made out of!.
Back off Mr. Landlord. You have met your match. See you on People's Court or Springer show.
Legal Dept.
OBAMA IN in 2012