Originally Posted by strictlypersonl
"Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see."
Benjamin Franklin
Ahh - a mischievous post. Got it.
The thermal expansion behavior of three epoxy-fiberglass composite specimens was measured from 20 to 120°C (70 to 250°F) using a fused quartz push-rod dilatometer. Billets produced by vacuum-impregnating layers of two types of fiberglass cloth with an epoxy were core-drilled to produce cylindrical specimens. These were used to study expansion perpendicular and parallel to the fiberglass layers. This type of composite is used to separate the copper conductors that form a helical field coil in the Advanced Toroidal Facility, a plasma physics experiment operated by the Fusion Energy Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The coil is operated in a pulsed mode and expansion data were needed to assess cracking and joint stresses due to expansion of the copper-composite system. The dilatometer is held at a preselected temperature until steady state is indicated by stable length and temperature data. Before testing the composite specimens, a reliability check of the dilatometer was performed using a copper secondary standard. This indicated thermal expansion coefficient ( α) values within ±2% of expected values from 20 to 200°C. The percentage expansion of the composite specimen perpendicular to the fiberglass layers exceeded 0.8% at 120°C, whereas that parallel to the fiberglass layers was about 0.16%. The expansion in the perpendicular direction was linear to about 70°C, with an α value of over 55×10-6 °C-1. Anomalous expansion behavior was noted above 70°C. The expansion in the direction parallel to the fiberglass layers corresponds to an α value of about 15×10-6 °C-1. The lower α values in the parallel direction are consistent with the restraining action of the fiberglass layers. The α values decreased with the specimen density and this is consistent with literature data on composite contraction from 20 to -195°C.