Originally Posted by steve meltzer
I hope it's OK to post this question here, as I've great respect for the help I've gotten in this forum. (and it is a 427 SO!). Speedo cable on my Kirkham broke early this past summer. Little green painted gear in the tranny, OK. All put back together and I rerouted the cable so it only has very wide angled bends. Finally got to drive the car and the speedo worked fine, but shortly thereafter, it died.
The speedo itself (Autometer) runs CCW, I was going to disconnect it at the tranny, and, if it looked OK, spin it with a drill to see if I can isolate the problem. Make sense? Which way would I spin the drill? I might have to disconnect it at the speedo head to see. Thoughts? Thanx. Happy Turkey Day. steve
You want to put your drill in to REVERSE when you spin it. Here, read this thread:
Lubricating the Smiths Speedometer Cable To Stop Needle Bounce Even though I have a Smiths, everything still holds true for Autometers.