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Old 11-29-2014, 06:33 PM
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BT SNAKE BT SNAKE is offline
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On the first page is a link to the eBay sale. Go to the bottom of that page. It pretty well explains what happened.

You know guys, it's pretty obvious this offering isn't for everybody. I'm one that it would be perfect for. The simple reason is that it's what I like in a Cobra. It's not a big hassle for me to find parts for a Cobra like that because I know where to look. I'm a fair to middling fabricator and I spent my teenage years in my Dads body shop. I built my first car when I was in high school in 63. Since then I've built more hot rods than I care to mention. I might be the exception but there are plenty out there like me still. Hell, I once built a 23 T from scratch just from leftover parts. I bet I had under $800 in it. You get what you're willing to put in it. Profit has never been my motivator. The journey of learning is what does it for me.
Bill, if this stuff was bad I would have said so. I know the owner and I'll vouch for him because I know him to be honest. Even the Kirkhams agree and as said so. If the price doesn't fit then move on especially after someone has vouched honestly for that person. I respectfully disagree with your analogies but that's OK. It's alright to agree to disagree. At least theres enough info here one can decide what they want to do.
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