On the lube, I'm
extra, extra, extra careful getting the car up off the ground, because I know, if it comes down on me, it would most likely be several hours before somebody wandered out to the garage and found me, squashed like a bug, gasping for my last breath, or, more likely, already expired....
And then I carefully clean all the u-joints first, so I can see (and hear) the four seals completely purge, as per the Spicer U-joint Video
Proper U-Joint Lubrication Then I carefully clean off the excess purged grease. Remember, I have six u-joints to do.
Then I move on to my Moog ball joints, that have the little grease relief valve in the boot, and do something similar. The tie rods have a little covering, instead of a boot, but I still waste a lot of time on them. I can easily spend hours and hours on a simple 10 minute job.