Originally Posted by frankym
Hey DanEC, thanks for posting the pics, my adapted mounting bracket won't mount as high up as yours, but close. Hey I checked out your photobucket pics. Your ERA is beautiful. My question to you, is that an external clutch slave master mounted to the frame? It looks like it is anchored to the frame as a pivot point. If that is the case, you likely need double the foot force to disengage the clutch let me know if that is your situation? I had this problem once and after we relocated the anchor to the engine block, the clutch was as easy as a honda accord.
Thanks Frank - the slave cylinder is bolted to the block so it must be the picture angle that made it look otherwise. I think this picture shows it fairly clear. That's the clutch master you see on the frame rail.
Good luck with the fabrication. Nothing beats designing and fabricating your own solution to a problem.