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Couple of thngs to check
DanEc Dan howling is normally a disc pad problem, a crack or a hard spot in the pad or the smoothless of the surface of the rotor ir too rough. You said there was a high spot. Max out of round for checking a flat surface for GM is .0015" any thing more will cause a pulsation of the pedal when applied. If you drive normal, resurface the rotors and replace the pads. Rotors will take 3 cuts and still be above min thickness. there is a spec on the rotors for min. Unless you are hard driving, standard brake pads are fine. When I ran 11" rotors the DR 52 pads from GM worked great. I little brake dust on the wheels but it washes off easy. I when to the 12" from ERA and have used the pads that come with the kit. Still have about 4/32 left of pad life. This is 98% autocross and roadracing. These pads don't like a ton of heat. Make sure the pads release from the rotor surface. I use CRC anti squeak that goes on the back of the pads and acts like glue to pull the pads off the rotors with the brakes are not on. If you are worried, replace pads and rotors. make sure you are not too loose or too tight on wheel bearings. I use channel locks and tighten nut to snug and back off to hole for pin. When done check for any play in wheel assembly by grabbing top and bottom of wheel and rock top to bottom Should have a VERY small movement. These bearing should be repacked with either a pressurized bearing packer or a hand job the pushes the grese through the bearing. Hand pack takes 10 minutes and is a mess and pain. This should correct any problem with front brakes. good luck.