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Dan others have said , try turning both rotors ... just enough to clean them up . Best to use the method that turns them on the car ( remove the pads first and clean rotors thoroughly ) as that compensates for any suspension irregularities .
Just curious as I don`t know what pads ERA is currently using , but did you bed the pads and rotors in ? I know some just drive the car and assume that beds them in correctly , but each pad manufacturer has a bed in procedure that needs to be followed . If you didn`t , try deglazing the pads/rotors with 60 grit sandpaper on a FLAT surface and then go through the bed in procedure . Easier than turning the rotors ... and you can still try that if they still squeal .
FWIW , I had the Wilwood pads and they would always squeal at low speed and if I used the brakes easy . Using the brakes hard , no problems .
However , I have gone to the CarboTech pads as I can change from street to track pads with minimal rotor prep and aggravation . Great street pad and very rotor friendly .