Originally Posted by cycleguy55;1****40
Prioritization makes sense. There are many things in life that should be handled through an A-B-C (A = Need to have, B = Should have, C = Nice to have / optional) model, and building a car certainly works with that model.
i concur.
Originally Posted by bret a ewing;1****47
ERA's are top notch. Get as close to a painted roller as your budget will allow. This will minimize your frustration to help realize your dream in a timely mannor.
There will still be plenty of work left for you to complete the project.
Good luck!!
PS: Tell Peter "Merry Christmas" from the boys at CC!!!
Yes, that's the plan. My minimal goal is base package, painted, with all steering components intact (steering wheel & linkage). for me that will be a realistic great start. With the paint being the most important.
Originally Posted by patrickt;1****48
Really, I think what most of us were looking for was "the Cobra experience." It is a very definite and real thing, and it involves all of the senses. When you sit in, look about, and drive a really nice Cobra, it affects all of your senses. It does not have to drive incredibly fast, corner at +1G, or do the quarter in low 11's. But, it has to smell right, it has to sound right, it has to look right from outside the car, but more importantly, it has to look right from inside the car, and it has to feel right not only when you're stomping on it, but, just as important, when you're driving slowly. The particular smell of leather/gas/ oil is so particular to my car that my kids, when they would sit on my lap after a drive, would sniff me and say "you smell like Cobra." The sound of the engine is something I have written about a million times, so I won't do it again -- but it's incredibly important. I think if you concentrate on the parts that will directly affect your senses, you'll make choices that will make you happy in the long run. The outboard rear, big brakes, quick release hubs are, for the most part, not going to directly affect the senses. If I were doing it again, and trying to shave costs, that's the way I would approach it.
patrickt, you are spot on. I want the 427 Cobra experience. As with most "experiences" they can be universal, but also individual. Either way, both are conceptualized in our minds, and are themselves based on prior experiences. For me a car of this caliber should be a visceral experience. For me, that means void of a stereo, void of AC, Void of excessive carpet and sound deadening materials. Having said that, it should be mechanically sound.
For me, i love the smell of a motor as it comes to life. I know the distinctive sound my Bosch starter makes when starting mu current inline 6. i love the smell of a fuel mixture thats a little rich. i love the vibration of a motor mount that is mounted to mounts that are not designed to remove all harmonic vibrations. I love the sound that comes from an intake that in not built and designed to remove all sound.
In my current toy (E36 M, 95), i have removed all the sound deadening material from the floor and doors. Basically, because i love the distinctive whine of the walbro 400, when i turn the key from position 1 to 2. i like the original minimalist build of ALL sports cars that were made 10 - 15 years ago. i.e. For me...Vinyl seats, motor, 3 pedals, sunglasses and jeans.

Sports car used to be synonymous with uncomfortable.
Some of these "feelings" even have a practical use. Like many others, i find it strange when another sports or sporty car owner say, i didn't even know my fuel pump was bad. i always think, wow, thats part of my pre-start up checks, the whine of the pump. If its not there, guess what....Houston we have a problem. Like when you hear of people who leave the grocery store and walk to their car and drive away and get to the stop light and realize their tire was flat. I'm like, WHAT!?!?....who doesn't do a visual when they walk up to their care. Who cant feel the vibration, who cant see the imbalance of the chassis???? But these are probably traits that are shared by guys and girls like us.
However, i intentionally prefaced all of my comments with "for me", because this is William's individual feel.
Lastly, i also like the smell of leather.