Originally Posted by Blas;1****62
While an interesting idea putting air vents in the front wheelwells, I can't help but wonder if air entering at that location would not move additional heat from the headers into the engine compartment area, which would probably be the path of least resistance I would think, rather then out the small side vents. Thoughts? Did originals have this feature? Just thinking out loud here....
Some seemed to, whether they were customer mods or not.
I'd suspect with hood scoops, radiater air, etc. there would be enough to force it, and some exhaust heat, down and out.
The other possible option would be some foil shielding on the interior, around the pipes outlet. Pretty much sight unseen but a layer of protection.
I've seen some cases of heat degradation in the area but no way of knowing if it's at all frequent in anything other than big HP motors or misaligned exhaust.