Originally Posted by mrmustang
Heard you had sold the car, bet that was a tough decision after all those years. Glad to hear you are doing well. Two moves since you last were here, settling in to the new digs as we speak. 62 degrees in the middle of December, whats not to like. Come on down for a visit, you might fall in love with it too
Bill S.
The decision was easy, actually. I had owned the car for twelve years and it was time to move on down the road. I never did race it, and subsequent to the sale, I pretty much liquidated the rest of the collectibles. The only car I have left is the '54 Corvette Drag C-- aka The Pizza Man--I have someone working on the sale of that, too.
Glad you are in a warm climate. Last winter was long and cold up here; however, I have indoor tennis 3-4 times a week and that breaks the tedium.
Good to hear from you.